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June 25, 2006

Mermaids and Photographers


Went to the Mermaid Parade on Saturday. With the rain, there were less people there than normal (although it didn't really rain during the parade, maybe a few drops). I swear, though, I really think there are more photographers there than actual mermaids/floats. It was actually really annoying. I had to do a lot of cropping in my shots and I also had a ton of blurry shots too. I'm not the type of photographer to run along the parade or jump in front of the crowd to get 'the picture' but it's not my job either and I'm snapping for fun.

I really do want to be in a float and have my picture floating around the internet. Perhaps one year I will meet enough people that will go in on this with me. I really admire the gals that can parade around with just pasties on and skimpy skirts. My favorites are the ones that are actually doing something while walking, like the hulas.


I know this shot is blurry but I really enjoyed the red against the blue.

And although I did see some guys with skimpy outfits (I really think the roman men weren't wearing underwear!), I don't think I really needed to see this guy!


And an Elvis sighting! I love the expression of the little girl!

Posted by luluvision at June 25, 2006 11:41 PM


The scary guy looks like the love child of Phillip Semour Hoffman and Napoleon Dynamite.

Posted by: Pete at June 26, 2006 04:47 PM

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