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February 02, 2006

Earn that 2 cent increase!

Another great mail day today but I don't understand why the mail carrier crams all the mail into the box. First of all, he/she is putting it in the wrong mail box and second, he/she doesn't separate the mail. There are 3 apartments here, man! Granted one mailbox is separate from the other two but I refuse to believe they don't see the other two. You'd have to be blind! Well, here is what came in the last few days. I was without internet access all day yesterday but that's just a crazy ongoing story I don't want to go into now.

This card Dana sent me last week but it got sent back to her! Her return address is on the other side of the stamp and although there's a big TO and the stamps on the same side as the TO address, they sent it to her address on the other side. Sigh...so she resent it and put it in an envelope but I win out anyway cuz wait till you see the envelope!


Here is the envelope she had to resend it in:



And here's a great piece I got from Sue yesterday. The fibers made it and everything!



More fun stuff from Barb!



And a colorful piece from Bobbie!



Posted by luluvision at February 2, 2006 05:29 PM
