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January 24, 2006

Art in the Mail!

I recently put a call out for some mail art in exchange for some rubber stamps that I haven't used in years. I used to be a huge rubber stamper back in college and even before that. I had a gigantic collection, mostly which I sold but I still had a box full of stamps that I put on wood myself. I still rubber stamp but not nearly as much as before once I started finding other mediums and became more of a computer geek. Well, the ladies at my new favorite site, Kat's Pad came through with some terrific mail art. Here is what I have gotten so far, and there will be more coming too!

This came through the mail exactly how Sue from Virginia sent it. This is the front.

and the back.I love the film negative!

Here's Dana's fun card! I love the art/time theme!

the front

the back

Posted by luluvision at January 24, 2006 10:44 AM


Really cool stuff! I think it's great that people still make creative articles to send snail mail...and that they can arrive at the other end in good shape!

Posted by: Pete at January 25, 2006 01:00 PM